Jan. 7 evening

so, billy sees, no, change to first person billy as it is less intimidating and more personal , so i see that the hits from the rawvision email blast were very limited in that almost all just hits on the blog and nothing more which is understandable because what i do is, forgive me, is esoteric which, forgive me, is the purpose of good art as it should be above all things totally original therefore hard to get and thought provoking and hopefully, transcendental and of course, beautiful and communicative on a high and deep level. I do believe my ‘Adventures’ is all of that and more. So, i have no illusions and most will not like my stuff and even be offended by it - so what!!!! This is what I must do and do. However, even though I have never had any instruction in art, I do use appropriations in my work as I know the canon and the great ones inspire me; furthermore, when I look at the art on social media especially instragram, I am totally blown away by the thousands if not millions of artwork that is so good, so refined, so admirable. And I have no problem with that because my work is just as good because I have the courage to be, to be me in my art. So, if you will be patient, I hope a few will get my stuff and find it beautiful.