hello fellow traveler (note billy as he chooses and when inspired will alter and amplify and lie and expound on the actual small printed title as above as he is an artiste and can do what he wants so there)! but don’t get me wrong any of my acolytic followers can put my little priggy print under the microscope and see all but be aware at the subatomic level the uncertainity thingy applies and furthermore billy knows his text will be altered and copied wrong but that is ok cause in our postmoderny world there is no truth as rudy g. that genius proclaimed. call me billy (billy, yu really are a thief like yur hero pablo rite behind duchamp rite behind the wolf). plez take yur time and billy needs yur full attention as yu peruse this magna opus and bear in mind that poor billy and his able and unfortunately fine artists assistants slaved three thousand manly hours on this spiritual manifestery. note the powers that be i.e. my followers and hopefully buyers have requested i make the small print germane to the full title readable i.e. bigger print as billy is more than happy to do as he like all others wants to be understood and appreciated and communicative and furthermore, the devil is in the small print i.e. if dear patron yu absorb all this and comprehend what billy is up to in a small way, then yu will have a scintilla of understanding and enlightenment (hehehee!, billy yu take yurself way too seriously and yu come off as very sophomoric when in fact yu are a freshmany man - no, boy be true to yurself kid). so here goes….the main title is in the big letters but the smaller and unreadable part of the title tells the how of the real story as told artfully by billy clockwisely (spoiler alert - as yu my interested partys are by now and should be aware billy is notorious for making new wordies…hehehee and lo billy will crown (pun) anyone who commits the heresy of partaking of any of billy’s biggies counterclockwise as these are narratives and hard enough to get and impossible if the imbiber starts at the end i.e. the climaxie i.e. the aaghhhh! (another of billy’s favorites - his written and generic soundy of cumming hehehee!) on three progressive levels from the fallen state of our heroes with their bj’s and doubledippin (roy as adamy and dale as evey) to their penty (abbreviation for pentinence and better as can be used as a adverby) and enlightenment and finally their climatic (pun) salvation jokenly - i.e. the salvic power of a scriptural and in this case a seemingly puerily joke and patience friendy all will be revealed in billyland as illustrated as and facilitated by…24 blue floodlites, roy the xtian king cowboy and dale the xtian queen cowboy WHO WILL BE SAVED IN BILLY’S BILLYLAND!!!!!HEHEHEE!!!!!!!!!! SO, FRIENDY GO TO LEFT SIDE SMALL PRINT TO FURTHER YUR ENLIGHTEMENT!!!!