hello test…testing…this is billy the creator of this absolute outsider masterpiece….lo (billy is infatuated with “LO” as to poor billy this little word is the entry point to his numenistic numen ladden spiritual life) and there are two other little wordies that billy uses alot…hehehee and aaggghh and these will be used and expounded upon later. so, billy will try to discipline himself and limit his polymathian polymathics and here’s the thing, billy luvs to make up new wordies so get used to it. so billy is 71 years old and for the last twelve years he has worked on his outsider masterpieces. and he very much wants to share his art.

roy/dale jan. 7/22

so after billy read this first post, he said to himself … cut the solipsistic glitter of your rant…and show more respect to yur audience…so on the sidebar (ignore the french as poor billy is very bad with computering) billy sez he wants yu to go to his “about” page for beginning info on how and why he was called to be a outsider artist i.e. as he was richard dryfussed (forgive my lapse into my word making but being dryfussed like the hero in ‘close encounters of the third kind’ was for billy the beginning of his artistic spiritual life and the wifey at that time did not like it one bit even though billy did his work in secret as in when you pray go to the closet but she did seriously work to have poor billy put into an insane aslyum of which poor billy has had direct experience of…so billy yu know it is bad manners to end with a preposition so…add this billy … yur interment in the nut house is one of your bonafides for the ‘artiste’ performances yu pass off as ‘outsider’ art…hehehee !!! ok,dear art lover billy does not remember if he shared this messianic secret of hehehee…so, to billy when he is in his divine (pretentious i.e. connected) state, he is like wolfie chasing the nubiley in the opening scene of ‘amadeus’ not a genius by any means but a child at play so hehehee! so billy read somewhere he should supply up front THE ARTIST’S STATEMENT…so here it goes…and billy wants yu dear one that his is sober and serious about this…so, the “HOW”of his art is after twelve years as an isolate, billy perfected his unique (which further solidifies him as an “outsider”) techniques (more later) with out any instruction nor collegeing except that sweet catholic lady at michael’s who rapturously taught billy how to make a pleasing bouquet of plastic flowers. so BILLY HAS CAME TO HIS HARD EARNED SISYPHEAN CRAFT ALL ALONE AS A SPIRITUAL PIONEER IN TECHNIQUE AND THEME. and billy overtime has silenced the censor and listens to his muse HE EXPERIENCES AND CALLS HIS “DADDY” who replaced the original muse “EVEY” the anima that came to billy in a dream and by this creative force… billy transcended and start making his art. (billy hopes by writing this in third person that it will sound less priggish…less pedantic…less braggadocious…but he can assure yu he is being honest and sincere and unfortunately his therapist says his self image is either a 1 or a 10 with little moderation at either end (oh lord won’t yu give him a 5 and so he is satisfied with barbeque (fyi billy is vegan) football and w.) but no…poor billy would not change one little thing (well…he wishes on a star that he will be a artstar) because he has the august and divine honor of being a artist and even much much more the ethereal experience of creation (forgive him for he knows what he knows…hehehee). so tomorrow billy will address the “WHAT” and the next day, the WHY and he will begin to unpack the mysteries of The Adventures …” which will be all consuming because all the manifold symbols/images/scriptures/songs/texts/puns/anthrotheologies/jokes/collors/train/etc. all these bits form in billy’s mind A GOSPEL. hehehee please don’t tell of billy’s theft of the lo! hehehee please preserve his personal MESSIANIC SECRET and billy hopes this will inspire my dear travelers to find their own meaning. now billy in his computer malaise will try to put up a pic of his original evey and maybe tomorrow a pic of his first commission…maybe? and further talk about the main title image with the appropriated joy thingy and the figures dancing round and round billy and the image of billy himself and most important of all by far, the opening musical score i.e. home, home on the range which should be if it is not, home, home in the UNIVERSE (billy just read original score which sezs home home in billyland so that is the correct psalm so to speak) where the gods roy and dale and billy play.

‘Evey Muse’ mixed media 26”x 26”x9” $800